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Our ESG strategy

Our commitment to the environment and sustainability

The technology industry also plays a role in mitigating climate change

CI&T's mission is to make an even better tomorrow, impacting lives and transforming the world through technology.

A better tomorrow requires sustainability to be one of the pillars of our strategy, and we understand that it is not just a matter of environmental responsibility, but rather an urgent and systemic change necessary to guarantee a sustainable future for the planet.

Get to know our strategy

CI&T's journey toward decarbonization is in its early stages, and we're still designing our goals and commitments. As we work on our greenhouse gas emissions mitigation plan, we are committed to offsetting all measured emissions.

CI&T begins its
journey towards decarbonization

We have been calculating our emissions since 2019, covering Scopes 1, 2, and 3, primarily to understand pre and post-pandemic behavior and the impact of remote work adoption on total emissions.

Emission calculations were based on GHG Protocol specifications.

100% Carbon Neutral

In 2023 in all countries with operations

CI&T is proud to announce that in 2022, we offset all emissions from our Brazilian operations. Learn more about how we are investing in nature-based carbon removal solutions.