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CI&T is recognized with the Learning Innovator of the Year Award

Mar 20, 2024 | min read


We are happy to share that CI&T has been awarded the Degreed Awards Visionaries Award in third place in the Learning Innovator of the Year Award category by Degreed, provider of CI&T University platform.

This recognition highlights our continued commitment to innovation in learning and skills development at CI&T, using the Degreed platform creatively and effectively.

The award happened at the LENS 2024 event in Houston, Texas - USA, an annual conference that brings together leading professionals in the field of L&D (Learning & Development) promoted by Degreed, where we were invited to share our experience with Skills Journey and how CI&T has been strengthened as a Skills Based Organization.

This award incentivizes us to continue evolving in skills mapping, connecting our people's career and learning opportunities, and optimizing the allocation process.